Dec 18, 2024
Opportunity to acquire a consented mixed-use development for 26 apartments, a recreation room and 1 commercial unit on the ground floor.
The surrounding area predominantly comprises residential accommodation at the western, southern, and eastern boundaries with a number of office buildings to the north
The ‘nose’ of the Application Site (adjacent to the roundabout junction) is Council owned land and is designated as Publicly Accessible Open Space.
Conditional permission was granted on 20th August 2024 for the “Demolition of the existing buildings on site and erection of a part 3, part 7 and part 8 story building to provide flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class E) on the ground floor and residential units (Use Class C3) on the upper floors, with ancillary amenity space, cycle storage, refuse storage, mechanical plant and landscaping, and other associated works to East Ferry Road including provision of a blue badge parking space and pedestrian enhancement works. (Planning reference: PA/23/01038/A1).
The proposed scheme will provide 22 private residential units (7 x 1 Bed, 9 x 2 Bed, 5 x 3 Bed, 1 x 4 Bed), 3 Affordable Rent Housing (1 x 2 Bed, 2 x 3 Bed), 1 Intermediate Housing (1 x 1 Bed) extending to approximately 21,502 Sq Ft (NIA).
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